I help people connect

to the life their soul longs for

“When we lose our way in this world, it is the soul’s way of being in touch with the pulse of life that has been lost.” 

~ Michael Meade

I was awake watching my mind cycle over its full negative range since 4am. I just watched it, with no reaction at all. Your explanation yesterday gave me distance from it. By the time I was ready to get up, I felt something heal. The space between me and it settled in, and for the first time I felt the possibility that I could just turn, turn away, from everything that has happened to me, and step into something I choose for myself. It’s going to take discipline but I understand how to do it now. Thank you Tarien.

~ Akira

Schedule a complimentary discovery call

A discovery call is a complimentary telephonic conversation between we get acquainted and explore whether we can work together to create the life you yearn for. 

Tarien Roux_Deer Heart Coaching_Home page_Following your souls yearning

Welcome, I’m Tarien… 

Because the call of your soul doesn’t come with a map or guidebook, I’ll be the first to say that following your soul’s yearning can be scary. Everyone’s path is unique. Many are too afraid to take the first step, or maybe you have, but you’ve experienced a lot of trial-and-error along the way leaving you feeling unsure about the next step. Or maybe you’ve reached a point of accepting that this is just the life you’re supposed to live. But you can’t stop that niggling feeling that there’s more to life.

I want you to know that I’ve been where you are, and that this is just a temporary detour on your life path. With me by your side, you’ll be supported to reconnect to your path and feel empowered to connect to the life your soul longs for.

From the Blog

My path back to connection (part 2)

My path back to connection (part 2)

My detour to disconnection continued at school, where I was expecting the same feelings of disconnection I was familiar with at home to be present there. I wasn’t able to recognise attempts at connection and so kept myself isolated – continuing on the detour to disconnection.

My path back to connection (part 1)

My path back to connection (part 1)

My path to connection starts in a childhood characterised by disconnection, not belonging, and not feeling accepted. In this first of a 4-part series I share brief insights on my life and how I found my path back to connection.

“Drop your maps and listen to your lostness like a sacred calling into presence.” 

~ Toko-pa Turner